
Collection of hoarding news, found 115 news.

President Jokowi issues regulation on food price stability

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has issued Presidential Regulation No. 71 of 2015 on Pricing and Storage of Basic Needs ...

Indonesian government to control inflation optimally

The Indonesian government will take various measures and efforts to control inflation in 2015, in accordance with its ...

Trade Ministry steps up efforts to combat rice mafia

The Ministry of Trade, in cooperation with the Police and Military, is endeavoring to crack down on the rice mafia in ...

Trade ministry takes four steps to stabilize basic commodity prices

Indonesian Trade Ministry is taking four concrete steps to return basic commodity prices to an ideal level in the wake ...

Indonesian Trade Minister warns businessmen against hoarding basic necessities

The Indonesian Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel has warned businessmen in the country against hoarding staple foods, ...

BI preparing for possible inflation after fuel price hike

Bank Indonesia is preparing itself for possible inflation risks after the government confirmed its decision to raise ...

Scarcity of fuel supplies triggered by price hike discourse: Democratic Party

The recent shortage of subsidized fuel stocks at refilling stations in many regions was because of open price hike ...

Indonesia`s inflation forecast to reach 4.5 percent this year

Indonesias annual inflation rate is expected to reach 4.5 percent this year, fueled by the governments strategic ...

High domestic cost hampers trade access: World Bank

The latest annual report from the World Bank states that high logistics costs could hamper Indonesian access to ...

Police foil attempt to hoard 5.2 tonnes of subsidized fuel

Sukabumi police foiled an attempt to hoard 5.2 tons of subsidized fuel oil in Purabaya Subdistrict, Sukabumi District, ...

Indonesian govt anticipates subsidized fuel hoarding ahead of price hike

The government is anticipating the possibility of certain quarters hoarding subsidized gasoline and diesel oil ahead ...

No cartel`s role in alleged garlic hoarding

Agriculture Minister Suswono denied suspicion that a cartel had been involved in an alleged hoarding of imported ...

Govt to limit subsidized fuel for private cars

The government looks set to continue its plan to limit the use of subsidized fuels by private cars after it failed to ...

Fuel subsidy may increase Rp5 tln per month

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said the fuel subsidy would increase by Rp4 trillion to Rp5 trillion per month if ...

Police uncover fuel hoarding in West Sumatra

West Sumatra Police have uncovered eight cases of fuel oil hoarding in West Sumatra, West Sumatra Regional Police ...