
Collection of honorarium news, found 36 news.

Welfare of honorary teachers in Indonesia still uncertain

Various stories on the lives of teachers have been surfacing in the last few days. Few of them are heartbreaking ...

The house asks government to discuss revision of asn law

Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Bambang Soesatyo asked the government to immediately discuss the ...

Two ex-judges sentenced to seven years in jail for taking bribe

The anti-corruption court in the Sumatran province of Bengkulu has sentenced two former judges, handling an alleged ...

Five regions fail to participate in simultaneous elections

While the first-ever simultaneous regional head elections in Indonesia were to be organized 269 regions across the ...

Commission yet to ensure implementation of elections in five regions

The Commission of General Election (KPU) has yet to ensure when the regional head elections in five regions in ...

Ahok ready to implement presidential instruction on budget efficiency

Governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama said he is ready to implement presidential instruction (inpres) number ...