
Collection of ikan news, found 66 news.

Pilot, two civilians killed in E. Java`s plane crash

The crash of a Super Tucano single-turboprop aircraft of the Indonesian Air Force in a densely-populated area of ...

Indonesian ministry reinforces networks of fish meal producers

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) is strengthening fish meal producer networks in an effort to build ...

President holds luncheon for traders at State Palace

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited some 100 market traders in Jakarta for a luncheon at the State Palace on ...

N Sulawesi exports 8.9 tons of frozen fish to Netherlands

North Sulawesi exported 8.9 tons of frozen fish to the Netherlands in late June, Head of the Foreign Trade Department ...

Incessant rains flood Jakarta

Incessant rainfall since Sunday has left the city of Jakarta flooded, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) ...

Bali exports ornamental fish

Bali earned US$1.16 million from exports of ornamental fish in the first five months of this year, according to the ...

Fish consumption rises by 60 pct during fasting month

As fish is one of the staple food items, the demand for processed fish in the country has increased drastically to ...

Indonesia promotes ecolabelling of fish products in developing countries

The Indonesian government is facilitating a marine and fisheries product certification program for developing ...

Indonesia to boost fisheries production and exports

The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMFA), will continue to increase ...

Bali`s tuna fish exports up last year

Balis tuna fish exports in the past ten months in 2013 reached US$63.48 million, which was up from US$62.76 million ...

Police seize drugs worth eight billion rupiahs in Lampung

The Lampung police arrested three suspected drug dealers and secured eight billion rupiah (around 666 thousand US ...

S. Korean gov`t moves to strengthen penalties for illegal deep-sea fishing

South Korea is seeking to significantly strengthen penalties for illegal deep-sea fishing by its vessels, increasing ...

Police foil sales of 49.2 kg of marijuana

Police said they had arrested two suspects of drug dealers with 49.2 kg of marijuana in this Bali capital city this ...

Indonesian fish exports reach US$4 billion

The Maritime and Fisheries Affairs Ministry has announced that Indonesian fish exports have reached US$4 billion, but ...

Whale washes up on Sidayu beach in Cilacap

A dead whale, estimated to measure approximately 10 metres long, washed ashore in Sidayu Indah beach, Binangun ...