
Collection of illegally news, found 714 news.

Filipino sentenced to eight years for smuggling drug

The Denpasar District Court sentenced Maria Cecilia Lopez (32) to eight years in jail here on Thursday for smuggling ...

Forty-two foreigners being held at Ambon immigration detention center

The Immigration Detention Center in Ambon, Maluku, is holding 42 foreigners for illegally working in Maluku waters. ...

RI hoping no country to accept illegally logged wood

Indonesia is hoping no country in the world will buy or sell wood or products made of wood obtained through illegal ...

Illegal logging to be discussed in climate change confab

Various issues related to illegal logging activities and forest monitoring will be discussed in the "Conference on the ...

Tunisia arrests, jails former Libyan pm

Tunisia said Thursday it had arrested and jailed Baghdadi al-Mahmudi, Libya`s prime minister under fugitive ex-leader ...

RI losing Rp36 trillion by illegal logging annually

Every year Indonesia is suffering a loss of Rp36 trillion from massive illegal logging in the country, Center for ...

Singapore to test cctv cameras to curb roadside parking

- The Land Transport Authority of Singapore is launching a trial on the use of CCTV (closed circuit television) camera ...

Egypt`s ex-tourism minister gets 3-year jail term

A Cairo court sentenced former tourism minister Zuheir Garana on Sunday to three years in prison for illegally issuing ...

Police foil train hijacking attempt

Two days ahead of the Idul Fitri festivity this year, the Indonesian public was shocked by news of the hijacking of a ...

Railway company tightens security after hijacking attempt

The Indonesian state railway company PT KAI has decided to put police guards on its locomotives to ensure train ...

Train locomotives to be guarded by police

As of Saturday (Aug 27) until seven days after Idul Fitri, train locomotives will be guarded by police, a spokesman of ...

RI seizes 93 foreign ships: Bakorkamla spokesman

Indonesia, through its National Maritime Security Coordinating Board or Bakorkamla, has from January to August 2011 ...

BPOM destroys thousands of illegal Malaysian products in Dumai

The Riau Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM) destroyed thousands of illegal bottles of drinks and food of different ...

SK Broadband ordered to compensate 400 mln won for information leak

A Seoul court on Friday ordered SK Broadband Co., a high-speed Internet service provider, to pay a combined 400 ...

Taliban claim assassination of Kandahar mayor

The Taliban on Wednesday claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that killed the mayor of Kandahar, the group ...