
Collection of illegally news, found 714 news.

Indonesia releases more sea turtle hatchlings into sea

Several inhabitants of Sao Village, Mentawai Island, West Sumatra Province, must be overjoyed when they found a 75-kg ...

Money laundering charge against Luthfi groundless

Zainudin Paru, the lawyer of former lawmaker and president of the Islamic Justice and Welfare Party Luthfi Hasan ...

Bengkulu targets hatching of 1,500 turtle eggs this year

The Bengkulu Nature Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has set a hatching target of 1,500 turtle eggs in two conservation ...

Coca-Cola accused of illegal mapping in China

US soft drinks giant Coca-Cola is "cooperating fully" with Chinese authorities on allegations that it illegally mapped ...

Orangutans living outside natural habitat need attention

Orangutans are usually cute, adorable and smart that some people want to keep them as pets. Besides, orangutans and ...

People urged to step up fight against drugs

All Indonesians have been called on to `wage a massive battle` against drugs after the arrest of 17 people on Sunday ...

Palopo mayor charged with embezzling state fund

Palopo mayor Andi Tendriajeng has been named a suspect on charge of misusing funds collected from a number of Area ...

Malaysian immigration detains 121 Indonesians

Malaysian immigration has detained a number of foreign nationals including 121 Indonesian people in immigration raids ...

Egypt says detains Israeli army officer in Sinai

Egyptian security forces have detained an Israeli army officer in the Taba region of the Sinai peninsula after he ...

North Korea confirms arrest of US citizen

North Korea confirmed Friday that it had arrested a US citizen in November, saying he had admitted to unspecified ...

Ratifying Nagoya Protocol key to curbing genetic biopiracy

Despite being one of the world`s most bio-diverse nations, Indonesia has yet to receive compensation for the ...

Indonesian minister urges Malaysia to crack down on illegal TKI employers

Indonesian Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar has called on the Malaysian government to take ...

Indonesian domestic market remains strong: ministry

The Indonesian domestic market is strong enough to move the economy forward in the face of a possible global economic ...

Muhammadiyah questions govt`s commitment to protection of migrant workers

Muhammadiyah youth organization chairman Saleh P Daulay has questioned the government`s commitment to the protection ...

Minister studying boycott of RI` paper product

Industry Minister MS Hidayat said he was studying the boycott of Indonesian paper product by the United States company ...