#immigration detention

Collection of immigration detention news, found 113 news.

Forty-two foreigners being held at Ambon immigration detention center

The Immigration Detention Center in Ambon, Maluku, is holding 42 foreigners for illegally working in Maluku waters. ...

Twenty-three Myanmarese apply for asylum seeker status

Twenty-three Myanmarese have applied for asylum seeker status to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees ...

Sri Lankan immigrants in despair, finally surrender

Some 88 Sri Lankan immigrants who had been living in despair aboard their boat, the MV Alicia, since July 10, 2011, ...

Sri Lankan immigrants under marine police watch

Sri Lankan illegal immigrants caught in the Indonesian waters in Riau Islands recently still remained aboard their ...

Govt checking reports on Indonesian boys in Australian adult jail

The government through its Embassy in Canberra, Australia, is checking the validity of Australian newspaper reports ...

Chinese nationals arrested in Palu yet to be questioned

The nine Chinese immigrants arrested by immigration officers here several days ago have yet to undergo questioning, ...

Illegal immigrant problem needs efficient tackling

The problem of illegal immigrants is an issue that needs to be tackled efficiently before it has far reaching ...

Ambon immigration deporting 15 Filipinos

The Ambon immigration office in Maluku province is once again deporting 15 Philippine nationals through the Manado, ...