
Collection of inclusion news, found 1.333 news.

RI seeking free trade barriers for Its CPO exports to EU

Indonesia, the world largest crude palm oil producer, has formed a special team to identify various kinds of trade ...

Tolerance to be included in school curricula

The National Education Ministry is considering the inclusion of tolerance in school curricula to tackle the negative ...

UNESCO to recognize Aceh`s Saman dance

The people of Aceh province may celebrate with pride when the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural ...

Balinese dances to be proposed as UNESCO`s best practice

Balinese dances and two other Indonesian cultural features have been proposed as UNESCO`s Best Practices in Indigenous ...

President reminds Asean ministers not to wait for financial crisis

President Yudhoyono reminded ministers and central bank governors attending the 15th Asean Finance Ministers Meeting ...

RI supports Timor Leste`s wish to join Asean before 2015

Indonesia as the ASEAN chair supports Timor Leste`s application for membership in the Association of South East ...

RI Embassy in London Holds Discussion on ASEAN

The Indonesian embassy in London held a discussion on "Indonesia and ASEAN: Prospects and Challenges" at the House of ...

RI France determined to contribute to G20

Indonesia and France are determined to give positive contributions to the agenda of G20 meeting particularly to ...

Police want American in forged Gayus passport case

An American citizen named John Jerome Grice is wanted by the Indonesian police in connection with the false passport ...

President Ma concerned about Chinese leader`s visit to U.S.

President Ma Ying-jeou said Monday his administration is very concerned about Chinese President Hu Jintao`s imminent ...

2011 - Indonesia`s year of ASEAN

No, the Indonesian government has never declared 2011 the Year of ASEAN, but as this year`s chairman of ASEAN, ...

Indonesia to make sure ASEAN progressing

Indonesia is to make sure that ASEAN achieves significant and concrete progress during 2011, a minister said.ASEAN`s ...

More promises given to the poor in 2011

The poor in Indonesia have some gladdening things to look forward to this year as promises of better treatment have ...