Civil servants' salaries have not been hiked significantly in the draft of the 2013 state budget, Enny Sri Hartati, an ...
A legislator has urged the government to take active steps in controlling basic commodity price hikes by launching ...
Despite the government`s continuous people`s welfare boosting efforts, poverty is likely to continue looming large in ...
Indonesia needs to speed up its poverty eradication efforts because the number of poor people in the country is still ...
Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) said the rupiah had weakened against the US dollar since September 2011. ...
The economic booms experienced by China, India and South Korea during the past years have led them to be recognized ...
Increased budget on infrastructure is expected to be absorbed effectively to remove the bottlenecks in the ...
Economic observer Enny Sri Hartati of Indef said capital expenditure on infrastructures amounting to Rp168.1 ...
The Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) posture is considered as having no leadership economic politically which ...