#indonesia economic

Collection of indonesia economic news, found 257 news.

News Focus

COVID-19 deals crushing blow to MSMEs

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has not just attacked people, but also indirectly battered the Indonesian ...

Indonesia's economy estimated to grow at 4.5-5.5 percent in 2021

The government has projected Indonesia’s economy in 2021 to grow in the range of 4.5 to 5.5 percent, with ...

Solid domestic demand remains driver of economic growth

Solid domestic demand remains a key driver of economic growth, while exports languish on compressed global demand and ...

Finance minister urges European companies to avail tax holiday

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati here, Monday, urged European companies operating in Indonesia to utilize tax ...

Indonesia's economic growth may slow down after coronavirus

The novel coronavirus outbreak has become a new challenge for the world's economy and Indonesia is predicted to ...

Indonesia's economy estimated to grow five percent in 2019: economist

Chief economist of state lender Bank Mandiri Andry Asmoro has projected the national economy to grow five percent ...

Global economic risks cast shadow over medium-term development plan

The National Development Planning Ministry/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) predicted that global ...

WB slashes Indonesia's economic growth forecast for 2019

Global lender World Bank has projected Indonesia's economy to grow by five percent in 2019 or lower than the ...

$5.2 billion losses from forest, land fires: WB

Land and forest fires that affected several parts of Indonesia from June to October 2019 inflicted losses of US$5.2 ...

Indonesia's economy needs 7% growth for Vision of 2045: official

Indonesia's economy needs seven percent annual growth to achieve the gross domestic product (GDP) of US$7 trillion ...

BKPM, S Korea team up for infrastructure investment

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) is teaming up with the Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development ...

growth momentum maintained despite global economic moderation

Indonesia’s economic growth momentum was maintained in the second quarter of 2019 amid a moderation in the global ...

Bank Indonesia engages economic actors from Malaysia, Singapore

Bank Indonesia (BI, the central bank) engages economic actors from Johor, Malaysia and Singapore in the Riau Islands ...

Indonesia's private consumption rises to 5.3 percent: World Bank

Indonesia's private consumption rose to 5.3 percent in the first quarter of 2019 from 5.2 percent in the fourth ...

Indonesia's economic growth to plunge to 5.1 percent in 2019: WB

The World Bank has projected that Indonesia's economic growth in 2019 will decrease to 5.1 percent over global ...