#indonesia independence day ceremony

Collection of indonesia independence day ceremony news, found 5 news.

Air Force to hold flypast on I-Day at IKN: official

Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Heru Budi Hartono, informed that the Indonesian Air Force will hold a flypast ...

IKN presidential office, palace to be ready before I-Day: task force

The task force for infrastructure development in the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara has informed that the ...

Australian dies in E Nusa Tenggara during Sail Raja Ampat

One participant of Sail Raja Ampat from Australia, Diater August Sattler (71), died in Timor Island waters of East ...

Sail Raja Ampat finally here

Sail Raja Ampat 2014, one of the Sail Series organized by the Ministry of Marine and Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, ...

Sail Raja Ampat 2014 Finally Here

- Sail Raja Ampat 2014, one of the Sail Series organized by the Ministry of Marine and Affairs of Republic of ...