#indonesian military

Collection of indonesian military news, found 1.570 news.

TNI-police to settle hostage incident: Governor

East Kalimantan governor Awang Faroek Ishak expressed his optimism here on Friday that the Indonesian military (TNI) ...

Army chief proposes allowance hike for soldiers

Army Chief of Staff General Mulyono will propose an increase in the allowances for soldiers stationed in the provinces ...

Indonesian Army wins AASAM shooting competition in Australia

The Indonesian Army contingent has won the Australian Army Skills at the Arms Meeting (AASAM) shooting competition in ...

Ban on communism still in force: Pramono

The Indonesian government has reminded the people that the ban on communism and the decision on dissolution of the ...

Indonesia seeks to secure release of four more hostages

After the release on Sunday of ten Indonesian sailors taken hostage since March by the Abu Sayyaf rebels in southern ...

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines to increase security in border areas

The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi, has said Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines will ...

`No ransom paid in the process of freeing Indonesian hostages`

No ransom was paid for the liberation of 10 Indonesian hostages held by the Philippines separatists since March, 2016, ...

Indonesia Soccer Championship 2016 starts from Papua

Indonesias eastern-most province of Papua hosted the initial match of the Indonesia Soccer Championship, better known ...

Landslide in West Papua claims three lives

A joint evacuation team has found the bodies of three people who lost their lives due to a landslide that hit Arfak ...

Government responds assertively to Abu Sayyaf`s second kidnapping of Indonesians

The Indonesian government has responded aggressively to the second kidnapping of Indonesian residents by the ...

Government advised to issue travel warning

The House Deputy Speaker on political affairs, Fadli Zon, has asked the government to issue a travel warning to avoid ...

President calls for joint security patrol with Malaysia, Philippines

President Joko Widodo has called for an effort to look into the possibility of joint patrol with Malaysia and the ...

Indonesian military foils attempt to smuggle crystal meth from Malaysia

The Indonesian army personnel safeguarding the countrys border with Malaysia have foiled an attempt to smuggle two ...

Philippines can still handle hostage situation: Military commander

The Philippine government can still handle the Abu Sayyaf group to secure the release of 10 Indonesian sailors held ...

Diplomacy and negotiation efforts on for Indonesian hostage liberation: Minister

Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said the government is still trying diplomatic negotiations to secure ...