#indonesian muslim

Collection of indonesian muslim news, found 189 news.

Jokowi expects Indonesia`s sharia banking to continue developing

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expected the sharia banking market in Indonesia to grow more rapidly after the National ...

The alarm of Pancasila: saving state’s ideology from the brink of bankruptcy

Imagine if the people of Indonesia had never heard of Pancasila. The ideology that guides our citizenship affairs since ...

Muslim population is Indonesia`s strength: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that the Indonesian Muslim population, which reaches 220 million, serves as the ...

Government`s decision to issue Perppu gets mixed reactions

The governments step to issue a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) to deal with mass organizations, which ...

ICMI should become pioneer in propagation of Islam: Kalla

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has urged all members of the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals ...

Vice President Jusuf Kalla performs tarawih prayers in Tokyo

Indonesian Vice President M Jusuf Kalla performed the Tarawih prayers or nonobligatory evening prayers during the ...

Megawati to deliver keynote speech in Jeju Forum

Indonesias fifth President Megawati Soekarnoputri had left for Jeju Island, South Korea on Monday night to deliver her ...

Australia-Indonesia exchange program to share experience of Islam

A group of Muslim Exchange Program (MEP) participants will share their experience of Islam in both countries through a ...

President Jokowi arrives in Palu after Beijing visit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) along with First Lady Iriana arrived in Palu, Central Java, as part of a working visit ...

Indonesian Muslims in Netherlands to get Mosque

The Indonesian Muslim community in the European Muslim Youth Union (PPME) of Al-Ikhlas, Amsterdam, has bought a ...

Indonesians on waiting list for 12 years to perform hajj

Saudi Arabia reaffirmed its agreement on Wednesday to restore Indonesias Hajj quota from 168,800 to 211 thousand and ...

King Salman, Indonesian Islamic figures discuss peace

Visiting Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud and a number of Indonesian Muslim figures together with President ...

Police hold meeting with Islamic mass organizations

The National Police (Polri) held a meeting with several Islamic mass organizations here on Tuesday to discuss domestic ...

Gold-standard currency can be alternative monetary system

Gold-based money can be an alternative monetary system in the future as it has some excellences over banknotes and ...

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika cannot be eliminated: ICMI

The Chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) Jimly Asshiddiqie stated that the national ...