#indonesian police

Collection of indonesian police news, found 1.518 news.

Jokowi confers National Hero titles on first UGM rector, five figures

Six figures were bestowed the honor of national hero by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) prior to the commemoration of ...

Eight nations participate in Cyber Security, Fintech Show, Jakarta

Eight countries participated in the Cyber Security IIndonesia (CSI) and Indonesian Fintech Show 2019 being held at the ...

Tembagapura's security intensified as measure against rebels' terror

- were shot dead by an armed group. The Lekagak Telenggen-led armed rebels were allegedly responsible for the killing ...

South Jakarta police foil an attempt to trade 24 kg of marijuana

The South Jakarta Metropolitan Police recently thwarted attempts by two drug dealers to trade 24 kilograms of dried ...

South Jakarta police confiscate 2,195 ecstasy pills

The South Jakarta Metropolitan Police recently nabbed AM alias J for allegedly possessing 2,195 ecstasy pills at his ...

Driver in South Kalimantan arrested for selling crystal meth: Police

The anti-drug squad of the Banjarmasin city police raided the house of a drug dealer who also works as a driver and ...

News Focus

Our hope for General Idham Azis

General Idham Azis has become Indonesia's police chief since early November 2019 after President Joko Widodo ...

Indonesian police bust Malaysia-Pekanbaru-Jakarta drug ring

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police recently unearthed a Malaysia-Pekanbaru-Jakarta drug ring following a series of raids ...

Mastermind behind deadly Wamena rioting arrested by Indonesian police

The Indonesian police in Jayawijaya, Papua, arrested a village head, identified by his initials as YA, 45, for ...

New police chief confirms Jokowi instructed him to continue working

Newly instated Indonesian Police Chief General Idham Azis drew attention to President Joko Widodo’s ...

23kg crystal meth seized from Jakarta shopping mall

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police's anti-drug squad personnel seized 23 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine from a ...

Police seize 70kg of methamphetamine from Indonesia-Malaysia network

The Indonesian Police Force criminal investigation department for narcotics seized 70 kilograms (kg) worth of ...

Jokowi instructs to expedite post-riot rehabilitation work in Wamena

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has given orders to speed up rehabilitation work pertaining to infrastructure destroyed ...

Wamena riot victims ready to hold dialog with President: Police

Chief of Papua Police Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw spoke of the Wamena riot victims' readiness to meet and ...

Jokowi pledges to build market and roads in Arfak, West Papua

President Joko WIdodo (Jokowi) has pledged to build infrastructure including roads, hospital and market in Pegunungan ...