#indonesian students

Collection of indonesian students news, found 499 news.

Indonesian students emerge as overall champions of ITMO 2019

The Indonesian junior high school students emerged as the overall champions of the International Teenagers Mathematics ...

Pakistan keen to intensify cooperation in HRD with Indonesia

Pakistan has expressed willingness to bolster its cooperation with Indonesia in the area of human resource development ...

Baswedan calls off trip to attend C40 Summit in Copenhagen

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan has abandoned his planned trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, to attend the C40 Summit, ...

26 demonstrators detained in West Nusa Tenggara

Police detained 26 demonstrators who clashed with security personnel during a rally outside the West Nusa Tenggara ...

20,500 Jakarta police, military officers to secure student rally

The Jakarta Police have placed on guard 20,500 officers in the face of university students again staging a ...

Police probe ongoing over two Halu Oleo university student deaths

The Indonesian Police's investigation team is yet in the process of conducting a probe into the deaths of two ...

Higher education ministry contacts rectors over student protests

The Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry has invited rectors from various universities in Indonesia to ...

MER-C avers in baseless accusation of ambulances of carrying stones

Medical Emergency Response Committee (MER-C) Indonesia adviser Joserizal Jurnalis quoted it as saying that levelling ...

AI Indonesia urges police to unfold truth behind Randi's death

Amnesty International (AI) Indonesia urged the National Police to conduct a detailed, impartial probe into the death of ...

Death toll in Kendari's massive student protest climbs to two

The death toll in a massive student protest in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, on Thursday, to reject several ...

IMM calls on National Police to investigate cadre's death

The Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) urged the National Police to conduct a comprehensive and transparent probe ...

KKAI asks government to respect freedom of expression

Coordinator of the Indonesian Academic Freedom Caucus (KKAI), Dr Herlambang P Wiratraman, has urged the government to ...

Universities to be sanctioned if students encouraged to stage rallies

Rectors and university lecturers could be sanctioned if they encourage students to stage rallies, according to ...

Minister discusses demonstrating students' sentiments with Jokowi

Research, Technology, and Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir met President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to discuss the ...

Police examine alleged intruder involvement in student demonstration

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police are conducting a thorough investigation into the alleged involvement of intruders in a ...