
Collection of infection news, found 1.907 news.

Travelers during mudik ban must undergo 5-day quarantine after arrival

Travelers, holding travel permits, during the ban on Eid al-Fitr tradition of mudik (exodus) must undergo a five-day ...

25,730 public sector workers vaccinated in West Papua

The West Papua provincial government has disclosed that 25,730 frontline public sector workers in the province have ...

COVID-19: Govt extends PPKM-Mikro in 20 provinces

Home Minister Tito Karnavian on Monday issued a ministerial instruction to extend the imposition of micro-scale public ...

8,838,081 people vaccinated against COVID-19 so far: task force

As of Monday, a total of 8,838,081 people have been administered the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia, according to the ...

News Focus

Aceh's struggle to bring foreign tourist arrivals back on track

Aceh Office has recorded no foreign tourist arrivals in the province since early this year on account of travel ...

Vaccination need get accelerated to revive Jakarta's economy: Patria

The Jakarta provincial government pledges to accelerate the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination program in its ...

News Focus

Vaccination campaign key for revival of Bali's tourism industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has dragged Indonesia into serious public health and economic crises, like many other countries ...

Micro-scale restrictions helping Bali slash infection rate: Governor

Bali Governor Wayan Koster has claimed that the customary village-based imposition of micro-scale public activity ...

COVID-19: Three Batam city buffer islands get green zone status

Three of Batam city's buffer islands have been declared COVID-19 green zones following the recovery of five ...

Task force confirms 7,664 command posts nationwide to handle COVID-19

Until March 28, Indonesia had 7,664 command posts established by authorities in 15 provinces to impose micro-scale ...

Unri students partake in COVID-19 vaccination awareness campaign

Some 10 students of the University of Riau (Unri) conducted a public awareness campaign on the significance of joining ...

No foreign tourist arrivals in Aceh due to travel restrictions: BPS

Aceh Office has recorded no foreign tourist arrivals in the province since early this year on account of travel ...

700 vaccine doses secured for West Papua's Teluk Wondama teachers

The Teluk Wondama district administration in West Papua Province has secured 700 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for ...

Pertamina refinery fire victims ail from respiratory infections

Refugees, who escaped the fire at the Pertamina Balongan Refinery in Indramayu Regency of West Java, complained of ...

Vaccination, mobility restriction effectively cut COVID-19 infections

The two-pronged approach of implementing the vaccination program and restricting public mobility will effectually curb ...