
Collection of infections news, found 1.515 news.

Health key to Indonesia's demographic dividend: Minister

The health sector has an essential role in creating healthy human resources and supporting Indonesia's demographic ...

Circular on emissions reporting to maintain business climate: ministry

The Industry Ministry has said that the issuance of a circular regarding emissions reporting is a demonstration of the ...

Ministry issues circular to mitigate impact of pollution on health

The Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Health Ministry issued a Circular Letter (SE) number: ...

Pollution - Govt prepares 740 health facilities to handle infections

The Health Ministry has prepared 740 health facilities to handle people suffering from upper respiratory tract ...

Ministry uses IHME data for air pollution impact analysis

The Indonesian Health Ministry utilizes data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) as a reference ...

Govt presses for implementing movement to prevent air pollution impact

The Indonesian Health Ministry urged the public to implement the movement to prevent the impact of air pollution that ...

Long-term COVID mitigation in endemic era

On June 21, 2023, Indonesia finally entered the COVID-19 endemic phase after three years of battling the ...

Ministry forms respiratory disease, air pollution control committee

The Ministry of Health has formed the Committee for Respiratory Disease and Air Pollution Control as a response to the ...

Health centers asked to routinely measure air quality in Jakarta

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has asked all community health centers (puskesmas) in Jakarta to routinely measure ...

Switch to public transport to reduce air pollution: Health Minister

Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin asked the community to use public transportation as an effort to reduce ...

Pregnant women, elderly, toddlers most vulnerable to air pollution

Pregnant women, toddlers, the elderly, and people with lung disease are the groups most vulnerable to air pollution, ...

EG.2, EG.5 account for 40% COVID cases: ministry

Two new coronavirus subvariants, EG.2 and EG.5, are responsible for nearly half the current COVID-19 cases in ...

WFH not a solution to improve Jakarta's air quality: IDAI

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) stated that the idea to implement a work-from-home (WFH) policy was not ...

Ministry to form Jabodetabek air pollution control task force

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry will form a task force for controlling and supervising the worsening air ...

Ministry still studying WFH discourse to reduce pollution in Jakarta

Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah stated that her side is still reviewing the discourse on implementing work from home ...