#innovation indonesia

Collection of innovation indonesia news, found 23 news.

Ministry prescribes circular economy route to car battery development

The Ministry of Industry is pushing for a circular economy approach in the development of domestic battery technology ...

AI can serve as foundation for future innovation: minister

Minister of Research and Technology and head of the National Research and Innovation Agency, Bambang PS Brodjonegoro, ...

MPR speaker backs extension of autonomy funds for Papua, West Papua

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo said he urges the government and House of ...

Indonesia has huge research funds but few researchers

Indonesia's research funding has reached Rp27 trillion which is much higher than those of the Philippines and ...

Three Indonesian cities proposed to be ASEAN smart cities

Three cities in Indonesia, Jakarta, Makassar in South Sulawesi and Banyuwangi in East Java, are proposed to be ...

Indonesia, Australia agree to reactivate IA-CEPA

Indonesia and Australia have agreed to reactivate the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement ...

Indonesia tops Asia-Pacific in small businesses performance

-New survey data from CPA Australia shows Indonesia's small businesses are significantly outperforming their ...

80 percent of marine resources remain untapped: Ministry

The countrys marine and fishery resources have remained largely untapped , an official of the marine and fishery ...