
Collection of integrity news, found 1.514 news.

ASEAN must become global investment destination: Deputy minister

ASEAN must become one of the global investment destinations, due to its huge economic potentials coupled with ...

Indonesian state in safety: President

After briefing the Air Force's Special Force Command (Korpaskhas) at Sulaiman Airport in Bandung, West Java, on ...

ASEAN stability remains strong to face global pressue

ASEANs economic stability remains strong to face global pressure despite recent negative sentiments towards its money ...

President Jokowi reaches out to ulemas, security officers in political safari

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) postponed his state visit to Australia that was originally scheduled for Nov 5-8, and ...

President on political safari to inspect officers: Kalla

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the Supreme Commander of Military and Police, went on a political safari to the ...

Santris called on to demonstrate peacefully

The Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools) Association (IPI) has called on ...

Declaration of peace marks Jakarta gubernatorial election campaign

The implementation of gubernatorial election in Jakarta has been considered as a barometer of other regional head ...

Jakarta bureaucracy must be neutral during election process: Acting Governor

Acting Governor of Jakarta Sumarsono has reminded all bureaucratic elements of the Jakarta Administration to be ...

Jakarta gubernatorial candidates assure peaceful campaigns

The three pairs of Jakartas gubernatorial candidates for the regional head election 2017, have declared their ...

President urges for resolving issue of overlapping regulations

President Joko Widodo has called for cooperation between the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional ...

President hails islamic schools for producing human resources with integrity

President Joko Widodo hailed the Islamic boarding schools for developing human resources with integrity as it will ...

President warns against illegal levies, asks for end to malpractices

President Joko Widodo has warned all ministries and asked them to take steps to stop all forms of illegal levies, ...

son of former president to run for jakarta governor

The Indonesian publics questions, especially on Jakarta have now been answered: three pairs of candidates would run ...

Security minister explains legal policy package

Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs Wiranto has explained the reasons behind the planned ...

Agus Yudhoyono-Sylviana pair registers with Jakarta General Election Commission

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Sylviana Murni, candidates for the post of governor and deputy governor, respectively, ...