#investment coordinating board

Collection of investment coordinating board news, found 1.014 news.

Japan, Indonesia`s most important partner

Japan is Indonesia`s most important partner because of its big investment in the country, chief of the country`s ...

Japanese-Indonesian cooperation encourages transformation of business values

Chairman of the Indonesian-Japanese Friendship Association Rahmat Gobel said that cooperation between businessmen from ...

President Yudhoyono still weighing candidates for finance minister

Chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa said he still did not know who would be the next finance minister to replace Agus ...

BKPM, BNI agree to launch joint investment promotion

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and state-owned Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) have agreed to launch joint ...

Indonesian diaspora - no matter where, forget not motherland

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono told Indonesian Diaspora in Berlin, Germany on March 5, 2013, to always remember ...

Indonesia to increase economic partnership with Denmark

Indonesia`s Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said the government would boost economic ...

Banten offers investment on fisheries to european countries

The Banten provincial government has offered investment and cooperation in the fishery sector to European ...

Indonesia's investment body helps acceleratesion of 15 infrastructure projects

The National Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) facilitated the acceleration of the development of 15 infrastructure ...

Complicated bureaucracy hinders investment inflows in Indonesia: envoy

German Ambassador to Indonesia Dr. Georg Witschel said that complicated bureaucracy poses an obstacle to foreign ...

Indonesia, Nigeria foster closer cooperation

Last weekend`s visit of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to Nigeria as part of his tour of Liberia, Saudi Arabia ...

Indonesia-Nigeria discuss strengthening of trade cooperation

Indonesian and Nigerian trade ministers with their respective delegation in a bilateral meeting in Abuja discussed the ...

APEC supports CSR programs to maintain investment in region

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is supporting the corporate responsibility programs conducted by private ...

BKPM to encourage investment outside Java

The Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) will encourage investment outside Java, such as Sumatra, ...

Apple inc to invest $3 bln in Indonesia

Apple Inc, a California-based computer hardware corporation, has confirmed a plan to invest US$3 billion in Indonesia ...

Investment up 24.6 percent in 2012: BKPM

Realization of domestic and foreign investment in 2012 from January to December rose 24.6 percent to Rp313.2 trillion ...