
Collection of issuance news, found 1.657 news.

President Jokowi wants Jakarta to become world sharia financial center

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said Jakarta should aim to become the global sharia financial center as Indonesia ...

President Jokowi distributes over two thousand land certificates

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) handed over 2,082 land certificates to the community in West Kalimantan during his ...

Redenomination needs long transition period: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo said the rupiah redenomination would need a long transition period and could not be immediately ...

Indonesia ready to face impact of Fed rate hike: Minister

Indonesias economic foundation is strong and can weather the negative effects of the US Federal Reserve Banks rate ...

EARTH WIRE -- Indonesian govt imposes moratorium on land clearing of peatland

Indonesia, through its new government regulation (PP) No. 57/2016 on the revision of PP No. 71/2014 on Peat Ecosystem ...

President calls on businessmen to maintain optimism

President Joko Widodo has called upon the countrys businessmen to maintain their sense of optimism despite the current ...

BRI launches JCB Platinum Credit Card for travelers

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BRI) and PT JCB International Indonesia, a subsidiary of JCB International ...

Indonesian govt taking steps to tackle growth of e-commerce industry

The volume of e-commerce transactions in Indonesia is still relatively small but the government is taking anticipatory ...

eCurrency Mint Limited and Banque Régionale De Marchés launch new digital currency in Senegal

- eCurrency Mint Limited (eCurrency) announced today that it has partnered with Banque Régionale de Marchés (BRM) ...

Indonesia allowed to send teachers to Sarawak

The Indonesian government is allowed to send teachers to several regions in Sarawak, East Malaysia, following the ...

Malaysia acknowledges Indonesian learning centers in Sarawak

The Malaysian Ministry of Education has officially acknowledged eight Indonesian Community Learning Centers (CLCs) in ...

New policy package to deal with e-commerce

The business of e-commerce in Indonesia, like in many other countries, is now developing, recording a total ...

PBNU organizes commemoration of National Santri Day

The executive board of the Nahdlatul Ulama organization (PBNU) organized the commemoration of the National Santri ...

Jokowi`s economic development gets good response

The economic development in two years of President Joko Widodos (Jokowis) government has gained positive responses ...

WCF 2016 concluded with Bali Declaration launched

- World Culture Forum 2016 concluded on October 14, ended up with the issuance of Bali Declaration, 10 points of ...