
Collection of jambi news, found 1.384 news.

Forest Preservation Crucial for Survival of Orang Rimba

Forest and Sumatras Orang Rimba tribe are inseparable, and they could not survive without each other. For the ...

Forest preservation, Orang Rimba survival should happen simultaneously: Solberg

The preservation of Jambi forest should go hand in hand with the survival of the Orang Jambi tribal community, ...

Indonesian government must protect pig-nosed turtles from extinction

As the illegal trade of wildlife continues to flourish, the government needs to work harder to crack down on pet trade ...

Two kidnapped Indonesian soldiers found dead in Aceh

Two Indonesian military officers, who had been kidnapped, were found dead in Nisam Antara sub-district, North Aceh ...

Arrested poachers killed six Sumatran elephants: police

The eight poachers who were detained on Tuesday evening had killed six Sumatran elephants in two provinces, the Riau ...

Densus 88 arrests wanted terror suspect

The polices anti-terrorist unit Densus 88, on Monday, arrested another wanted terror suspect linked to the Indonesian ...

Densus 88 arrests wanted terror suspect

The polices anti-terrorist unit Densus 88, on Monday, arrested another wanted terror suspect linked to the Indonesian ...

Indonesia's SC prepares special judges to settle regional election disputes

Deputy chief justice for civil case affairs Supandi said here on Friday that special judges have been assigned to ...

Narcotics agency seizes 840 kilograms of crystal meth in W Jakarta

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) seized and confiscated 840 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine at Lotte Mart ...

Basarnas conducts coordination related to missing AirAsia

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has coordinated with the Search and Rescue Agency in Pangkalpinang, ...

President Awards Medals to eight governors for promoting food security

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in a ceremony held at a paddy field in Subang, on Friday, awarded the Adhikarya Pangan ...

934,000 hectares of forest in Jambi in critical condition

Around 44.31 percent or 934,000 hectares of forest lands in the province of Jambi are in critical condition, a ...

Haze resurfaces in various areas across kalimantan, sumatra

Haze emanating from forest fires and hotspots continues to shroud various parts of Kalimantan and Sumatra, hindering ...

Indonesian government to nominate seven tourism sites as world heritage

The Education and Culture Ministry will nominate seven Indonesian tourism sites to be included in the United Nations ...

Medan covered by haze since Sunday morning

Medan, the capital of North Sumatra province, has been covered by haze since early Sunday morning although it was not ...