#jasa marga

Collection of jasa marga news, found 296 news.

President Jokowi encourages asset securitization by infrastructure company

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) encourages asset securitization to raise fund to finance infrastructure development now ...

Jasa Marga to launch right issue to strengthen capital

Publicly traded state-owned toll road developer and operator PT Jasa Marga plans to launch right issue to raise fresh ...

State companies ready to absorb up to Rp300 trillion of repatriated fund

Minister for State Enterprises Rini Soemarno said a number of state companies (BUMN) could make use of up to Rp300 ...

Coordinating ministry holds meeting on rights issue

The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs held a coordination meeting with relevant ministries on Tuesday to ...

House approves capital injection for 20 state companies

Commission VI of the House of Representatives has decided to approve state capital participation (PMN) for 20 state ...

House rejects capital injection for three state companies

The Houses Commission VI overseeing state enterprises has rejected the governments proposal for capital participation ...

President promises to finish Pemalang-Semarang toll road by 2018

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has promised to finish the construction of the Pemalang-Batang-Semarang toll road ...

Government conducts trial of Cikampek-Palimanan integrated toll road payment system

The government, through state-owned Toll Road Regulator Agency (BPJIT), began the trial of an integrated toll road ...

High, normal speed trains projects can run simultaneously: VP Kalla

The Jakarta-Bandung high speed and the Jakarta-Surabaya normal speed railway trains projects can run simultaneously, ...

Three state banks finance Solo-Ngawi-Kertosono toll road

Three state lenders PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Tbk, PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk and PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk have ...

Two-thirds of total traffic personnel deployed during long easter weekend

The National Polices Traffic Corps (Korlantas) has ordered each provincial police traffic directorate (Ditlantas) to ...

Jasa Marga's income falls short of target

State-owned toll road operator PT Jasa Marga Tbk saw its income falling short of the target of Rp7.92 trillion last ...

Eight state companies to be privatized in 2016

The government will privatize a number of state companies in 2016 in a bid to improve their performance and to ...

House approves Rp34.3 trillion fund injection for state firms

The House of Representatives (DPR) has approved a state fund injection of Rp34.32 trillion to 23 state-owned companies ...

Indonesia, China hold follow-up talks on fast train project

Indonesia and China have held follow-up talks on a plan to develop a fast train network in Indonesia, including the ...