#jayapura district

Collection of jayapura district news, found 389 news.

PON Papua

BPBD disseminates health protocols during Papua PON

The Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) is disseminating information on health protocols to prevent COVID-19 ...

PON Papua

34 athletes to participate in modern pentathlon exhibition

Thirty-four modern pentathlon athletes are expected to participate in the pentathlon exhibition match at the 20th ...

PON Papua

Immersing in the charm of Holtekamp Beach, Papua, at night

A visit to Papua is not complete without a trip to Holtekamp Beach, which is located in the southeast of Jayapura ...

KONI urges inclusion of pencak silat in Olympics

General chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Marciano Norman, has urged the Indonesian Pencak ...

PON Athlete

Hockey national team coach to scout athletes during PON

The national hockey team coach attended matches on the opening day of competitions to scout potential athletes for the ...

PON boosts sales of Papua traditional batik

The XX Papua National Games (PON) has bolstered the sales of Papua traditional batik, a pattern commonly known for ...

Minister Amali asks PON committee to check COVID-19 spread

Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amali has asked the steering and supervising committee of the Papua National Sports ...

PON Papua

Grand, lively start of Papua XX National Sports Week

Rise and win together towards the future was the message delivered at the opening of  Papua's XX National ...

Evaluating health protocols during Papua PON needed: house speaker

House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Puan Maharani called to conduct an evaluation of the health protocols ...

PON Papua

PON matches to continue despite few COVID cases: Sports minister

Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amali confirmed that the 20th National Sports Week (PON) being held in Papua ...

Some 29 COVID-19 cases in four PON XX clusters conduct self-isolation

The Papua Provincial COVID-19 Preventing and Handling Task Force (SGPP) has confirmed 29 new COVID-19 patients in the ...

PON XX Papua applies strict bubble to contain COVID-19 spread

A strict bubble system is being implemented at the ongoing National Sport Week (PON) XX to contain the spread of ...

Olympics archers Choirunisa-Agatha win recurve event at Papua PON

East Java archers Diananda Choirunisa and Riau Ega Agatha, who also competed at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, snatched the ...

19 PON athletes, officials test positive for COVID-19

Nineteen athletes and officials joining Papua's PON National Games being held in Jayapura City and ...

PON Papua

Record broken on day-one of Papua PON pool finswimming

Vania Elvira Elent Rahmadani from East Java broke the national record in the women's 400-meter pool surface ...