
Collection of journalists news, found 2.426 news.

10 armed Papuans torched MAF plane, American pilot tells police

American pilot Alek Luferchek has told Papuan police officers that his Quest Kodiak aircraft was torched by around 10 ...

Police probe attack on MAF plane in Papua's Intan Jaya

Police in Nabire and Intan Jaya districts of Papua province have launched a probe into the torching of a Mission ...

COVID vaccines must be stored at 2-8 degrees C: minister

Deputy chair of the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee (KPC-PEN), Erick Thohir, has appealed to ...

Papua's Intan Jaya civil servant detained for arms trade: police

Papua Police Chief Insp. Gen. Paulus Waterpauw confirmed on Tuesday that a civil servant at the Intan Jaya district ...

COVID vaccine to be administered only after MUI fatwa: Official

The Indonesian government will not begin administering COVID-19 vaccines without a fatwa or a decision about the halal ...

South Sulawesi govt coordinates with Navy on foreign UUV discovery

The South Sulawesi government is coordinating with the Indonesian Naval Base (Lantamal) VI in Makassar to deal with the ...

News Feature

Defending press freedom in Indonesia amid government's ban on FPI

National Police Chief General Idham Azis' recent announcement on obeying the government's ban on the Islam ...

All Indonesians urged to keep defending press freedom: press council

Indonesia's Press Council has appealed to all elements of society at large to keep defending and protecting freedom ...

TNI sailors partake in Kuta Beach's coastal clean-up drive

Sailors from the Denpasar Naval Base on Friday partook in the efforts to conduct a coastal clean-up drive on the ...

News Focus

Year-ender - Indonesians count down to 2021 from home

For Jakartans, the most awaited moment this year is completely unlike last year, when Indonesia and other parts of the ...

New Year eve celebrations banned across Indonesia

New Year eve celebrations have been banned across Indonesia to prevent crowding and curb potential transmission of the ...

Jakarta intensifies monitoring to ensure no New Year's Eve celebration

The provincial administration of Jakarta cautioned residents and business owners against holding New Year's Eve ...

Doni Monardo condemns gay sex scandal at Jakarta's COVID-19 hospital

Indonesia's National COVID-19 Task Force Head Doni Monardo was vocal in deprecating a gay sex scandal involving a ...

Shooting case: Komnas HAM seeks to examine police, FPI vehicles

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has asked National Police to allow it to question policemen over ...

Medan refugees demonstrate for speedy resettlement in third countries

Several asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Iraq held a peaceful rally in front of the United ...