#justin trudeau

Collection of justin trudeau news, found 49 news.

Indonesia to unite G20 members: President Jokowi

Indonesia aims to unite G20 members despite the war between Russia and Ukraine, according to President Joko Widodo ...

PKS faction urges Macron to apologize to Muslims

Chief of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction in the House of Representatives, Jazuli Juwaini, has urged French ...

40 world leaders congratulate Jokowi on winning presidential election

As many as 40 world leaders and three international organizations have congratulated Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on winning ...

Presidents of Indonesia, Chile meet in Singapore

Indonesian President Joko Widodo met with his Chilean counterpart Miguel Juan Sebastian Pinera Echenique on the ...

Canada revokes honorary citizenship of Myanmar leader

The Canadian Parliament voted Thursday to revoke the honorary citizenship of Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The ...

Jokowi attends APEC leaders' meeting in Vietnam

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) here, Saturday, headed to the Intercontinental Penisula Resort Da Nang to attend the ...

President Jokowi, Prime Minister Turnbull meet in Vietnam

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a bilateral meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on ...

Jokowi invites Obama for luncheon at Bogor Palace

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will invite former United States president Barack Obama for a luncheon at the Bogor ...

World Culture Forum 2016: Culture for an Inclusive Sustainable Planet

-World Culture Forum (WCF) will be held again, entering the second time since the inaugural last held in 2013. This ...

Canada donates 5.5 million CAD to protect ASEAN migrant workers

At the United Nations Summit on Refugees and Migrants, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that the country ...

President Jokowi sees peace, stability as key for global economic growth

A war is not only bloody, cruel and expensive but also detrimental to economic growth. The reality was ...

Japan, Canada share "serious concerns" on South China Sea - PM Abe

Japan and Canada share "serious concerns" over reclamation and militarisation in the South China Sea, Japanese Prime ...

Philippine Island rebels free 10 Indonesia hostages

Islamist militants in the southern Philippines released 10 Indonesian hostages on Sunday, ending a month-long ordeal ...

Five killed in Canada school shooting, suspect in custody

Five people died in a school shooting on Friday in Canadas western Saskatchewan province and two others were seriously ...

World appreciates Indonesia for swift handling of attack, offers support

The terror attack in the heart of Jakarta on January 14, 2016 shocked Indonesia as well as many other countries which ...