As education helps to improve public welfare, it will lead to a national awakening, Vice President Jusuf M. Kalla ...
The election of Setya Novanto as the new general chairman of the Golkar party, will benefit the government of ...
Vice President Jusuf Kalla officially opened the 41st annual meeting of the board of governors of the Islamic ...
Patriotism has a broader meaning that encompasses strengthening the resilience of the Indonesian people across the ...
Despite witnessing low performance in the first quarter, the government is optimistic that the economic growth in the ...
Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla led a roll call of national defense personnel called "The National Defense Commitment by ...
Setya Novanto has been elected as the new general chairman of Golkar Party following a vote held in a party congress ...
Vice President Jusuf Kalla and UN Secretary Generals Advisor for sustainable development Jeffrey Sachs discussed ...
Chairman of Golkar Aburizal Bakrie (ARB) has reiterated that the party will support the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ...
Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla has asked Muhammadiyah, one of Indonesias major Islamic organizations, to encourage its ...
The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has lauded a proposal of Vice President M Jusuf Kalla on the needs to block ...
Finnish energy company Fortum will explore investment opportunities in the renewable energy sector in Indonesia. ...
Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla has opined that the issue of communism, which came up recently, was not a threat but was ...
Vice President Jusuf Kalla attended a function to launch a book on anti-corruption here on Thursday. The book is ...
Islam is believed to be a religion of middle path and religion of peace. There is no radical Islam nor liberal ...