
Collection of langkat news, found 175 news.

Langkat police arrests four suspects with 34 kg marijuana

The Langkat Resort Police Office has confiscated 34 kilograms (kg) of marijuana, which was to be smuggled to Medan, ...

Floods submerge 3,238 houses in Langkat, North Sumatra

Some 3,238 houses in five sub-districts in Langkat District, North Sumatra Province, were flooded following incessant ...

Indonesia must be firm with Myanmar over Rohingya crisis: Nahdlatul Ulama

Chairman of the Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Slamet Effendy Yusuf stated that the Indonesian government must be firm ...

Indonesia Provides Temporary Shelters To Rohingya Refugees, Invites Int'l Cooperation

More than 1.5 thousand asylum seekers, mostly Rohingyas from Myanmar and some Bangladeshis, were stranded in ...

Indonesia considers measures to overcome Rohingya migration issue

Indonesia has taken appropriate steps into consideration to resolve the issue of Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees ...

Arrival of refugees a test for ASEAN: SBY

The wave of Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees arriving here is a test for ASEAN to deal with these humanitarian ...

Floods inundate 16 districts and cities across Indonesia

Floods have inundated thousands of houses in 16 districts and cities across Indonesia over the past few days, stated ...

Wild tiger attacks cattle in Langkat, North Sumatra

A Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) reportedly trespassed and preyed on cattle belonging to the local ...

Drought hits numerous regions of Indonesia

Drought has parched Indonesias numerous regions and is feared to cause losses to crops, slow down economic growth, and ...

Three injured in N Sumatra`s explosion: Police

Three Pangkalan Brandan residents in Babalan Subdistrict, Langkat District, North Sumatera Province, got injured after ...

Fishermen saw plane crash around Malacca Straits

A group of fishermen in North Sumatra provincial sub-district of Pangkalan Susu claims to have seen air plane crash ...

732 Sinabung evacuees refuse to return home

As many as 732 evacuees from Mount Sinabungs eruption in Karo district, North Sumatra, refused to leave the disaster ...

Refugees of Mt Sinabung Survive Four-Month Ordeal

Though the floods in Indonesia took over media space over the past week, it certainly does not indicate that the ...

Floods wreack havoc in three sub-districts in N Sumatra

Incessant rains in the past few days have triggered floods on Monday, inundating three sub-districts in North Sumatras ...

Minister calls for acceleration of steam power plant project

State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Dahlan Iskan has asked the technical team to settle various problems and ...