
Collection of lawmakers news, found 463 news.

AEOI Chief views IAEA`s inspections as positive

Head of the Atomic Energy Agency of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi evaluated the trend of the inspections by inspectors ...

Singapore to stop gas imports via pipelines from Indonesia

The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulator (SKK Migas) said Singapore buyers would stop importing gas via pipelines from ...

Snowden leaks may be `lethal` for troops

Fugitive intelligence contractor Edward Snowdens theft of 1.7 million secret documents could potentially put US ...

Corruption eradication starts in family

Corruption eradication efforts can start with the smallest community, the family, stated National Family Planning and ...

Mogadishu hotel targeted by bombs, at least 11 killed

Three bombs exploded within an hour outside a hotel frequented by government officials in a heavily fortified district ...

KPK hopes to bring to court Bank Century case end of January

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said it hopes to bring the bank century case to court by the end of ...

KPK recovers Rp1.196 trillion in state losses from corruption

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said it has paid Rp1.542 trillion to the state treasury in non tax income ...

Pertamina has right over siak oil block: Riau Governor

Acting Riau Governor Djohermansyah Djohan said the law has given state energy company Pertamina the right over the ...

Century bank case again creates debate

The Century Bank case has again created debate in Indonesia after a team of lawmakers, charged with monitoring the ...

WTO urges member states` parliaments to use political influence

The World Trade Organizations (WTO) Deputy Director General Karl Brauner has appealed to the parliaments of member ...

Code of conduct will help Australia, Indonesia resume cooperation: Minister

Indonesia will resume military and intelligence cooperation, as well as cooperation to prevent illegal migrant ...

Lawmakers urge govt to upgrade communication system to prevent wiretapping

Lawmakers from the Commission I handling defense and foreign affairs have urged the government to upgrade the ...

Lawmakers summon foreign minister over spying row with Australia

Lawmakers from Commission I handling defense and foreign affairs summoned Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa on ...

Kenya piles pressure on Somali refugees to return home

Kenya on Friday said Somali refugee camps were being used as a safe haven for Islamist militants and said the time had ...

Incentives called for development of downstream palm oil industry

Agriculture Minister Suswono said the finance ministry needs to consider incentive to develop downstream palm oil ...