
Collection of leaving news, found 1.633 news.

Govt must regulate foreign refueling stations: Economist

The government should issue a special regulation to limit the growth of foreign refueling stations (SPBU) and ...

President visits landslide location in Central Java

President Joko Widodo observed the impact of landslide in Jemblung helmet in the village of Sampang, Banjarnegara, ...

Death toll of Banjarnegara landslide rises to 32

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) said the number of death toll of a landslide in Jemblung hamlet, ...

JA Solar Supplies 100MW of Modules to First Large-Scale Solar Farm in Pakistan

- JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: JASO) ("JA Solar" or "JA"), one of the world's largest manufacturers of ...

37 killed in bomb attacks in Iraq

A total of 37 people were killed and 92 others wounded in separate bomb attacks in Iraq Thursday evening, police ...

Govt to reduce budget deficit to below two percent

The government aims to curtail the deficit in the 2015 revised budget to below two percent of the gross domestic ...

Kalla hopes Golkar does not split

Vice President Jusuf Kalla expressed hope that the Golkar Party does not split and that a rival party does not emerge ...

Ical leaves Golkar party plenary meeting due to AMPG raid

Members of the AMPG stormed a Golkar Party central executive board meeting here on Monday evening protesting against ...

Indonesia issues tsunami warning following powerful quake

Indonesias Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has issued a tsunami warning for some eastern Indonesian provinces after ...

Two killed, 15 injured in bus accident in Pantura

Two passengers died and 15 others incurred severe injuries after a Sari Indah passenger bus overturned in West Javas ...

Jokowi inaugurated as Indonesia`s new president

Indonesia officially declared Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and M. Jusuf Kalla as its new president and vice president, ...

MPR confirms all factions to attend new president`s inauguration

The Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) has confirmed that all political party factions will attend the inauguration ...

Police chief recommends disbanding FPI

Police Chief General Sutarman said the mass organization Islamic Defender Front (FPI) must be disbanded. "They ...

Confiscated documents brought to Jakarta: KPK

All documents that the Corruption Eradication Commissions (KPK) investigators confiscated from different places, ...

20 FPI members held after clash at City Hall

The Jakarta police have held 20 members of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) for their alleged involvement in riots and ...