
Collection of leste news, found 1.175 news.

ADB to help improve resources management in coral triangle

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved assistance of around $12 million for the Coastal and Marine Resources ...

Coral reef destruction spells humanitarian disaster

The large-scale destruction of coral reefs and their habitats along coasts will hamper the regeneration of their fish ...

CTI countries renew talks on world largest coral reefs

Local authorities of six countries grouped in the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) began four days of talks at ...

Mayors from six CTI countries gather in Wakatobi

A number of regents and mayors from six countries of Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) began a round table meeting at ...

New Zealand troops leave for Timor Leste peacekeeping mission

A 62-strong New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) contingent left for a six-month deployment to Timor- Leste Saturday. ...

Hanya Masalah Waktu ASEAN Terima Timor Leste

Sekretaris Jenderal Perhimpunan Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN), Surin Pitsuwan, menyatakan pada Senin bahwa hanya ...

Cambodia backs E Timor`s bid to join ASEAN

East Timor`s application for gaining full ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) membership won Cambodia`s ...

ASEAN Summit starts Saturday

The 18th Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) Summit was kicked off at Jakarta Convention Center here on Saturday ...

Senior officials to discuss Timor Leste membership

Senior officials of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) would discuss Timor Leste`s interest to join ...

World Bank, ASEAN launch world development report on conflict, security

A new World Bank report prepared in consultation with the ASEAN Secretariat shows that conflict and insecurity affect ...

ASEAN Summit to discuss Timor Leste`s membership application

Timor Leste`s application to become member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will be discussed at the ...

Suu Kyi admires RI`s democratization process

Myanmar`s democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi said she admired the process by which Indonesia had become the democratic ...

VP : RI trying to increase people`s participation in ASEAN

Vice President Boediono on Tuesday stated Indonesia as chairman of ASEAN was trying to increase the role of common ...

VP : ASEAN civil society meeting to promote people-govt dialogues

Vice President Boediono expressed hope that participants of the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People`s Forum ...

Ten countries discuss three sea security issues

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto here Tuesday officially kicked off a ...