#local fishermen

Collection of local fishermen news, found 212 news.

Two Malaysian-flagged boats caught poaching fish

Two Malaysian-flagged boats have been seized for poaching fish near Jemur island in the Sumatran province of Riau. ...

47 illegal immigrants plan to go to Australia

Ciemas Police Sector chief Adjunct Police Commissioner Sumaryoto said 47 illegal Afghan immigrants wanted to cross to ...

Fishermen revive coral reef near Serangan beach

Two hectares of damaged coral reefs off the Serangan beach in Denpasar, Bali, have been rehabilitated during 2003-12 ...

MMAF Secured 25.75 Tons of Ilegal Anchovy from Malaysia

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) re-arrested two Indonesian-flagged fishing vessels which loaded ...

Bali`s tuna exports reach 83.02 million US dollars

Bali gained 83.02 million US dollars in 2011 from the import of fresh and frozen tuna, a 16.30 pct decline from the ...

Running out of fuel, Philippines fisherman becomes castaway in Sulawesi

Bernaldo, 62, a Philippines fisherman, became a castaway on Donggala, Central Sulawesi, when his motor boat ran out ...

Wreckage of immigrants goes down in Tasikmalaya waters

The 30 GT ship which has carried Middle East illegal immigrants has been totally destroyed and went down in the ...

Over 90 illegal immigrants detained in Tasikmalaya

A total 91 illegal immigrants whose boat had sunk off Tasikmalaya`s Cipatujah beach and were saved by local fishermen ...

Illegal immigrant boat capsizes, no fatalities : police

A boat carrying 48 illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern countries and two crew capsized in Pamayan waters in ...

Tugboat sinks in Bintan

A tugboat went down in Bukit Panglong, Bintan regency, Riau islands on Sunday. "Three of the five crew members ...

Ten bodies of immigrants found in Banyuwangi waters

Ten bodies of illegal immigrants whose boat capsized recently in Prigi, Trenggalek, East Java, were found floating ...

Montara oil spill victims still awaiting promised compensation

East Nusatenggara (NTT) fishermen who lost their livelihoods by the Montara oil spill in 2009 are still waiting for ...

Irish,Canadian ships near Gaza, brace for interception

Two ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists were on Friday preparing to be intercepted by the Israeli navy as they ...

Another dead illegal immigrant found in Pangandaran waters

The body of another female illegal immigrant from the Middle East was found in Pangandaran waters, West Java, on ...

Six illegal immigrants found dead in W Java

At least six illegal immigrants from Afghanistan and Iran were found dead by fishermen at Palawangan beach in Ciamis ...