#local fishermen

Collection of local fishermen news, found 212 news.

Ministry issues motor boat certificates for 41 Bantul fishermen

The Directorate-General of Sea Transportation of Transportation Ministry has issued certificates of fishing boat ...

Four Vietnamese boats seized for illegally fishing in Natuna Sea

The Security Maintenance Agency (Baharkam) of the Indonesian Police has captured four Vietnamese fishing boats for ...

Ministry seeks full utilization of marine resources potential

Director general of capture fisheries at the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, Muhammad Zaini, has invited ...

Experts push for up-to-date management of fishery sector data

Experts believe that management of the fishery sector data should be more accurate, and the data too has to be ...

Fishery SOEs to boost collaboration with local fishermen: Observer

State-owned fishery companies should intensify collaboration with local fishermen to boost their prosperity, marine ...

Traveloka to plant 10,000 mangrove seedlings in Mandalika, Lombok

Southeast Asian start-up company Traveloka has collaborated with Sahabat Pulau Indonesia to plant 10 thousand mangrove ...

Jokowi embarks on working visit to East Java

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his entourage paid a day-long working visit to East Java Province on ...

News Focus

East Aceh authorities redouble efforts to curb growing drug problem

Over the past two years, East Aceh district of Aceh province has been battling a growing problem of drug trafficking, ...

East Aceh police bolster monitoring of drug trafficking routes

The East Aceh police has stepped up its efforts to monitor several piers and covert routes in the district's ...

Five fishermen arrested for blast fishing in Komodo National Park

The authorities in East Nusa Tenggara Province arrested five local fishermen for conducting blast fishing in the waters ...

News Feature

Sali Kecil, a shining exemplar of preserving nature amid limitations

At first glance, a small island of Sali Kecil, located between Bacan Island on the west side and Halmahera Island in ...

News Feature

Conserving North Maluku's maritime treasures

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with its 17,508 islands spread over an area of nearly two ...

Fisheries Ministry builds mangrove nursery in Pasuruan, E Java

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has built a mangrove nursery in Pasuruan district, East Java, as ...

Preservation efforts intensified for Enggano Island's green turtles

The habits of people of Enggano Island, a 400-square-kilometer island in Enggano District, Bengkulu Province, have ...

Improve quality of service, safety of aviation transportation system

Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR) Azis Syamsuddin urged the government to improve the quality of ...