The head of Georgia`s rebel Abkhazia region, Sergei Bagapsh, died in a Moscow hospital Sunday, as analysts predicted ...
Doctors know that diabetics have a higher than normal risk of dying of heart attacks or strokes, but new research on ...
Grappling with a life-threatening ailment, Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih now has nowhere to look but ...
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has no plan to appoint a successor or interim minister for Health Minister Endang ...
Minister of Women`s Empowerment and Child Protection Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar said she believed Health Minister ...
Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih said the disease she was suffering from would not hamper her activity as a ...
A member of the presidential medical team will continuously monitor the state of health of Health Minister Endang ...
Those first few puffs on a cigarette can within minutes cause genetic damage linked to cancer, US scientists said in a ...