#lung cancer

Collection of lung cancer news, found 98 news.

Dutch football legend Johan Cruyff dies

Johan Cruyff, the legendary Dutch football striker and coach, has died of lung cancer aged 68, according to a message ...

KILLER AIR: Berkeley Earth Publishes Study on Air Pollution in China

- Berkeley Earth published today a paper showing that air pollution kills an average of 4000 people every day in ...

Haze -- The Constant Struggle with Invisible Pollution

- During the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a self-financed ...

New subgroup analysis shows Asian non-small cell lung cancer patients with most common EGFR mutation (del19) lived significantly longer with first-line GIOTRIF® (afatinib*) compared to chemotherapy

- For Media In Asian Countries Only For Whom The Data Is Relevant (For media outside UK, US and Canada only)Boehringer ...

Batan denies uranium in W.Sulawesi may cause lung cancer

The Indonesia National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) has denied allegations that uranium in Mamuju district, West ...

Dr. Rongxiang Xu, Patent Owner of Damaged Organ Regeneration, A Top Priority Addressed in the 2013 Presidential State of The Union, Announces Plan of "Creating 10,000 Regenerative Humans"

- Dr. Rongxiang Xu, the Patentee of regenerative life science noted in US National Policy as "Regenerating Damaged ...

Nepal PM diagnosed with tuberculosis: party spokesman

US doctors treating Nepalese Prime Minister Sushil Koirala have ruled out lung cancer and diagnosed the 75-year-old ...

Polluted air linked to 7 million deaths in 2012: WHO

Air pollution killed about 7 million people in 2012, making it the worlds single biggest environmental health risk, ...

Lung Cancer Stage Four 10 Years Cancer-Free Through Non-toxic Alternative Cancer Treatment

- Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide, with the highly malignant small cell lung ...

Spinners frontman Bobbie Smith dead at 76

Bobbie Smith, the lead singer for the 1970s vocal group, "The Spinners," whose hits include "Could It Be I`m Falling ...

Early signs of lung cancer could be diagnosed by simple blood test

Early signs of lung cancer could be diagnosed using a simple blood test, according a new discovery published by ...

Cytocell Ltd Introduces New ROS1 Genetic Test for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

-     Cytocell Ltd. today announced the availability of a new molecular cytogenetic test designed ...

New Data Reveals Public Ignorance About the Impact of Lung Disease

-         New data released by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies ...

President praises health minister`s fighting spirit

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono applauded the late Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih`s fighting ...

President Yudhoyono chairs limited cabinet meeting

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono chaired a limited cabinet meeting at his office here on Thursday afternoon to ...