#maluku governor

Collection of maluku governor news, found 90 news.

Security situation in Ambon under control: chief security minister

Chief Security Minister Djoko Suyanto said the situation in Ambon, capital of Maluku province, after a communal clash ...

Moa island to have 1.5 MW PLTD

A 1.5 MW diesel power plant (PLTD) will be built by state power company PT.PLN Maluku and North Maluku branches on ...

Maluku to form team for provincial capital relocation plan

Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu will soon form a team to study the provincial capital relocation plan. The ...

Differences As Force To Strengthen Brotherhood In Maluku

Although the sectarian conflict that raged in Maluku province from early 1999 until 2002 was actually the result of ...

Differences as force to strengthen brotherhood in Maluku

Although the sectarian conflict that raged in Maluku province from early 1999 until 2002 was actually the result of ...

Maluku governor attends halal bihalal friendship gathering

Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu attended a Halal Bihalal friendship gathering bot both Muslim and Christian ...

Maluku businessmen should take advantage of MP3EI

Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu has encouraged businessmen in the province to take advantage of Acceleration ...

Sail Morotai 2012 to boost tourism in eastern Indonesia

Sail Morotai 2012 which is part of Sail Indonesia, is expected to boost tourism in eastern Indonesia, particularly in ...

World youth assembly in Ambon to have strategic impact

A World Assembly of Youth (WAY) scheduled to be held in Ambon, Maluku, in July this year is expected to have a ...

Maluku not suitable for PLTN

The geographical location of Maluku province at the meeting of the Pacific, Australian and Euroasian continental ...

N Maluku hopes Japan to participate in Sail Morotai

North Maluku hopes Japan could participate in Sail Morotai which will be held in Morotai Island in 2012, despite the ...

N Maluku governor to promote Sail Morotai 2012 in Taiwan

North Maluku Governor Thaib Armaiyn was to promote the planned Sail Morotai 2012 in Taiwan when visiting that ...

Minister promises Rp985 bln to make Maluku nat`l fish barn

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad has promised to provide Rp985 billion in 2011 for the realization ...

Dutch soccer star to visit Ambon

Former Dutch football national team captain Giovani van Bronkhost of Maluku descent is scheduled to visit the eastern ...

Sail Morotai 2012 preparations being intensified

Indonesia`s southernmost island of Morotai in North Maluku Province is famous not only for its natural and marine ...