Indonesia and Australia have agreed to step up cooperation in marine patrols to reduce illegal fishing in their ...
Indonesia and Timor Leste need to cooperate in marine resources management training, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries ...
The Marine and Fisheries Ministry is to open a School for Marine Protected Area Management (SMPAM) in Wakatobi, ...
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono believed that Riau Islands province will some day become a new economic center ...
In an effort to step up the pace of economic development in disadvantaged regions, the government will intensify ...
Indonesia as one of the world`s largest maritime countries has about 5.8 million square kilometers of marine territory ...
Indonesia as one of the world`s largest maritime countries has about 5.8 million square kilometers of marine ...
The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) will focus on improving the synergy between central and regional ...
Bali aims at producing 155,000 tons of seaweed in 2011, head of the Bali fishery and marine agency Gusti Putu ...
Indonesia`s target to be the world`s biggest seaweed producing country with an output of 10 million tons by 2015 is ...
The government is trying to increase the country`s national fish production and the people`s per capita fish ...
The government will dispatch rice stock for fishermen in several parts of Indonesia who temporarily cannot earn a ...
The People`s Coalition for Fisheries Justice (Kiara) has asked the government to declare the current extreme weather ...
Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad has the ambition not only to turn Indonesia into a top global ...
Chairman of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Marzan A. Iskandar said a number of new ...