#marine ecosystem

Collection of marine ecosystem news, found 118 news.

Indonesia promoting eco-tourism to protect rainforests

Indonesia is promoting eco-tourism in numerous regions as one of the means of protecting its rainforests while helping ...

Indonesia to promote ecotourism in Norway

Indonesia will again participate in Reiselivsmessen, the largest travel and tourism expo in Norway to be held on ...

Raja Ampat`s endemic coral reefs well preserved

Known for its intact marine ecosystem, West Papua Provinces district of Raja Ampat has been actively promoted ...

Raja Ampat forms public supervision group to conserve coral reefs

The Raja Ampat district administration has set up a public supervision group to protect and conserve its coral ...

Honeywell's UOP Technology Selected to Clean Offshore Natural Gas in the United Kingdom

- UOP LLC, a Honeywell (NYSE: HON) company, announced today that it has been selected by BW Offshore to remove ...

President Yudhoyono to inaugurate Sail Raja Ampat

President Susilo Yudhoyono is scheduled to open the international maritime event of Sail Raja Ampat on August 22, ...

Indonesia hosts ASEAN's coastal, marine environment meeting

The Indonesian Ministry of Environment hosted the 15th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine ...

Indonesia Plays Dual Roles in Climate Change Issues

As an archipelagic country with vast forests and maritime areas, Indonesia is unique as it is most vulnerable to the ...

Mining activities hurting Bangka's tourism

There is a growing view that rampant use of unconventional mining methods and the operation of tin dredging ships at ...

Asia Commits to Implement the Blue Economy

Asia Conference on Oceans, Food Security and Blue Growth (ACOFB) which was held in Bali, Indonesia has officially been ...

2013 Coral Triangle Day: The Marine Conservation Momentum

- The date of June 9 has been designated as The Coral  Triangle Day as agreed in 3rd ministerial meeting of member ...

MMAF-FAO Strenghten Maritime and Fishery Partnership

- The partnership between the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and Food and Agricultural Organization ...

The Coral Triangle's Tourism Sector Earns US$ 12 Billion Each Year

The business activity in the Coral Triangle, spanning six countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, ...

maribus Publishes Fisheries Report "World Ocean Review 2"

-     "World Ocean Review 2 - Die Zukunft der Fische, die Fischerei der Zukunft" is the first ...

Indonesia calls the world to save coral reef

Indonesia calls the international community to give serious attention in saving coral reef and fishery resources in ...