#market operations

Collection of market operations news, found 230 news.

Soybean prices continue to rise in Kebumen

The prices of imported soybean have risen in several traditional markets across Kebumen Regency, Central Java. ...

Indonesian govt urged to conduct market operations

A legislator has urged the government to take active steps in controlling basic commodity price hikes by launching ...

Govt to launch market operations to curb inflation

The government will launch market operations to contain inflationary pressure following the delayed rise in the prices ...

Foreign banks` SBI ownership declining : BI

Foreign bank ownership of Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI) has continued to decline from Rp7.8 trillion at the end ...

Bulog still conducting market operations in Ambon

As of the second week of January 2012 the Maluku division of State Logistics Agency (Bulog) was still conducting ...

Govt earmarks Rp1.3 trillion to buy rice for poor

Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono said that the government had allocated funds totaling Rp1.3 ...

Bulog expected to conduct market operations in various regions

Due to a long drought that caused crop failures, State Logistics Agency (Bulog) is expected to conduct rice ...

RI`s forex reserves sufficient to safeguard rupiah : BI official

Indonesia`s foreign reserves are strong enough to safeguard the rupiah from money market pressures caused by the ...

Central bank optimistic rupiah to appreciate soon

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) believed that the local currency rupiah would soon appreciate again because its ...

RI seeking extension of rice-purchasing contracts

Indonesia where rice is the main staple food of its 237 million population is seeking to extend its rice purchasing ...

Bulog to conduct market operations before/after Lebaran

The West Java branch of the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) will conduct market operations before and after the Lebaran ...

Govt assures basic commodity supplies enough until Lebaran

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa assured on Sunday that the national stocks of basic ...

Bulog to conduct market operations in several regions

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) is ready to conduct rice market operations in several regions to stabilize ...

Seeking to expand rice sources imports

While expecting to produce 68.68 million tons of dried unhulled rice this year, Indonesia is planning to expand the ...

Bulog to conduct rice market operations in W Sumatra

The West Sumatra branch of the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) will conduct market operations during the Ramadan ...