
Collection of marzuki news, found 355 news.

President Yudhoyono to lead Democrat Party rearrangement

Ruling Democrat Party chief patron President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that he would lead the rearrangement and ...

Yudhoyono meets with party leaders to discuss problems

Ruling Democrat Party chief patron President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono gathered the party leaders at his residence in ...

People urged to step up fight against drugs

All Indonesians have been called on to `wage a massive battle` against drugs after the arrest of 17 people on Sunday ...

Drug is big enemy: House speaker

House Speaker Marzuki Alie said that drug is one of the Indonesian people`s big enemies which could involve anyone, ...

Pros and cons on idea to move capital city from Jakarta

Following major floods that almost crippled Jakarta recently, an idea to move Indonesia`s capital city to another ...

House open for floods victims, says speaker

House Speaker Marzuki Alie has announced that the parliament building (DPR) will remain open to provide temporary ...

Jokowi calls for religious tolerance

The Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, has urged the people of Jakarta to maintain religious ...

Pangolins remain to become victims of poaching, illegal trading in 2012

Pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, are not cute animal that people would like to keep as pets, but they are in ...

President installs new navy, air force chiefs

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono installed Vice Admiral Marsetyo as the new Navy commander and Vice Marshal Ida ...

Habibie responds insult by Malaysia`s ex-minister with smile

Former Indonesian president BJ Habibie`s recent visit to Malaysia as an official guest of the Selangor State ...

No indication of toppling of President Yudhoyono

A survey institute director has stated that there are no indications that suggest the toppling of President Susilo ...

DPR files letter of objection to Malaysia

House of Representatives (DPR) Chairman Marzuki Alie said he has written to the Malaysian government to raise an ...

House Speaker criticizes press as still irresponsible

House Speaker Marzuki Alie criticized the Indonesian press here on Thursday as still being irresponsible in carrying ...

Supreme Court judge Achmad Yamanie discharged

Members of the Ethics Council of the Supreme Court and the Judicial Commission decided on Tuesday to dishonorably ...

Lawmaker asks Indonesian govt to prioritize refinery development at Arun

A lawmaker hailing from Aceh province, Marzuki Daud, has asked the government to prioritize development of a refinery ...