
Collection of marzuki news, found 359 news.

MER-C urges Myanmar to let volunteers provide relief aid to Rohingya Muslims

Medical Emergency and Rescue Committee (MER-C) Indonesia has urged the Myanmar government to allow reporters and ...

Myanmar urged to stop violence against rohingya muslims

The violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar has drawn serious attention from many parties including ASEAN ...

House speaker condemns killings of muslim Rohingya

Indonesian House Speaker Marzuki Alie condemned the killings of Muslim Rohingya ethnic group members in Myanmar and ...

Political parties should be allowed to have businesses: Marzuki

House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Marzuki Alie said political parties should be allowed to set up businesses to ...

Democrat Party ready to name professional as presidential candidate

The ruling Democrat Party is ready to name a professional as its presidential candidate in the election in 2014, ...

Indonesia to open consulate in Ramallah

The Indonesian government will open a consulate in Ramallah, Palestine, to strengthen its support of the Palestinian ...

RI`s parliament holds seminar on ASEAN transformation

The Indonesian Parliament, which currently holds the chair of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), recently ...

Bandung to host conference for freedom of Palestine

Bandung city will host the International Conference for the Freedom of Al-Quds and Palestine on July 4-5, 2012, ...

Korea supports 10 elementary schools in Aceh

The Korea Association of Health Promotion is providing assistance for 10 elementary schools in the fields of health ...

E-ID project seems to be running smoothly

In the beginning, the implementation of the electronic identity (e-ID) cards, locally known as e-KTP, got delayed due ...

Yudhoyono`s visit boosts closer ties with Timor Leste

Ten years after East Timorese people had decided to separate from Indonesia, the bilateral relations between Indonesia ...

President Yudhoyono visits Santa Cruz

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono made a visit to Santa Cruz Cemetery and Seroja Heroes Cemetery in Dili, Timor ...

Legislator lauds Yudhoyono for inviting N. Korean President

House of Representatives` Commission-I member Muhammad Najib has praised President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s decision ...

NOAA satellite detects 12 hotspots in Riau

The US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) satellite has detected 12 hotspots at six districts in ...

Portuguese President to promote relations with Indonesia

Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva is expected to promote his country's potentials to the Indonesian government ...