#maternal mortality

Collection of maternal mortality news, found 125 news.

Maternal mortality rate still high: Health minister

Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said cases of stillbirth and the death rates of mother in the process of delivery are ...

Indonesia wins global recognition for MDG implementation

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon earlier this year requested Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to co-chair ...

Govt pulling out all the stops to reduce maternal death rate

Indonesia`s maternal mortality rate of 228 per 100,000 live births remains the highest in Southeast Asia, but the ...

President praises health minister`s fighting spirit

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono applauded the late Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih`s fighting ...

RI racing against time to meet MDG targets by andi abdussalam - (d)

Indonesia, one of the 189 countries that declared in 2000 their commitment to achieving eight Millennium Development ...

Program seeks to lower high maternal mortality rate in six provinces

Six provinces in Indonesia continue to have the nation`s highest maternal mortality rates, at over 50 percent. ...

Two Indonesian mothers die during delivery every hour

Indonesia`s maternal mortality rate is still high as it is believed that almost every hour two Indonesian women die ...

Maternal mortality rate still far from MDG`s target: minister

Minister of Health Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih said the maternal mortality rate was difficult to reduce to meet ...

Afghan rights situation still "critical" 10 years on: HRW

The human rights situation remains "critical" in Afghanistan despite the Taliban`s ouster 10 years ago, Human Rights ...

news focus: e Java beefs up immunization to fight diphtheria

East Java Governor Soekarwo on October 7, 2011, declared an extraordinary situation (KLB) for diphtheria in all parts ...

RI govt trying to achieve MDG`s maternal mortality lowering target

The government continues to make efforts to lower the maternal mortality rate in the country to 102 per 100,000 ...

Indonesia determined to become polio, measles-free nation

In addition to the routine immunization program using five vaccines to prevent tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, ...

East Java to spend Rp21 billion to fight diphtheria

The East Java administration has at its disposal funds amounting to Rp21 billion, including Rp13 billion from the ...

Indonesian student achieves international award congress in Japan

An Indonesian student Arifa Abdullah Rakhmana received an award in the 63rd Annual Congress of The Japan Society of ...

Govt intervening in development to ensure equitable welfare

Vice President Boediono said the government was intervening in the country`s economic development in order to ensure ...