
Collection of medicine news, found 1.468 news.

BPJS Kesehatan to bear costs of kidney failure, liver transplant

State-run Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) confirmed it would bear the treatment cost for ...

Govt finds compounds in drugs that could trigger acute kidney failure

The Health Ministry has detected traces of compounds in samples of drugs consumed by patients in Indonesia that have ...

Gov't currently halts syrup drugs' sales amid kidney failure cases

The government has ordered a temporary halt to the sale of syrup drugs, as investigation into the cases of acute kidney ...

BPOM details guidelines for drug syrup consumption

The Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) conveyed guidelines for the public in consuming syrups that were ...

Mulling PeduliLindungi development into super app: Deputy Minister

The PeduliLindungi is one application that could be developed as a government super app that serves various needs of ...

Gov't contemplates on repurposing PeduliLindungi after pandemic ends

Deputy Minister of State-owned Enterprises Kartika Wirjoatmodjo stated that the government is considering to repurpose ...

Kanjuruhan tragedy: Victim count reaches 754

The total number of victims in the Kanjuruhan Stadium tragedy in Malang District, East Java, on October 1 has reached ...

SOEs Ministry continuing to consolidate health ecosystem: Thohir

The State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry is continuing to consolidate the national health ecosystem, including the ...

BPOM detects medicinal chemicals in 41 traditional medicines

The Directorate of Supervision of Traditional Medicines and Health Supplements of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency ...

Jamu part of Indonesia's national identity: Minister Uno

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno stated that Indonesian traditional herbal medicine, known as jamu, ...

BRIN creates device to detect TB inside, outside lungs

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has developed a device named TB-Scan or Kit Ethambutol to detect ...

Booster dose still needed despite decline in COVID-19 cases: expert

The community still needs the third or booster COVID-19 vaccine dose even though COVID-19 cases have declined and the ...

Lecturer creates silica gel to protect traditional gold miners

A lecturer from the Science and Technology Faculty of Jambi University, Dr. Ngatijo, has created silica gel to avoid ...

Papua's Cenderawasih University to get new green building in 2023

Papua’s Cenderawasih University will get a Center of Science and Partnership building in 2023 following the ...

COVID-19 booster shots still necessary amid declining cases: Professor

Professor of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Indonesia (FKUI) Prof. Amin Soebandrio stated ...