Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has coordinated the traffic management with the National Police and other ...
The Indonesian Embassy in Rabat, Morocco, participated in the opening of the 3rd Heritage Day Festival by featuring ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), during a closed-door meeting on Monday, emphasized the need for improving ...
State-owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Rini M Soemarno and Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi visited Merak ...
To smooth traffic flows in Java and Sumatra, state-owned toll road construction company PT Jasa Marga is developing ...
Officials from Indonesia and Singapore met here on Wednesday to discuss shipping security in the Malacca-Singapore ...
Several Indonesian traditional dances were performed at the Festival Internacional Tratados de Teoloyucan in ...
Holding a huge appeal for international tourists, the Indonesian province of Lampung is intensively promoting its ...
President Joko Widodo has said the flow of homebound travelers could be controlled properly. "I think that the ...
Gasoline consumption in Indonesia is estimated to increase by up to 50 percent when homecoming traffic peaks on ...
Sections I and II of the Pejagan-Pemalang toll road, which connects Pejagan, Brebes, and Pemalang in Central Java, can ...
Merak in Banten province, West Java, would be connected with Surabaya in East Java in 2018 by a toll road, President ...
"It must be somewhere around here. Give me some time (to find it)...," Tuti Wirjadigjaja, a 59-year-old housewife, ...
The old town of Semarang is being developed into a world-class tourist destination to increase the number of tourist ...
Police have confiscated 1.5 tons of marijuana, worth around Rp6 billion, that was found hidden in a truck. "The ...