#minister of energy and mineral resources

Collection of minister of energy and mineral resources news, found 448 news.

Govt to postpone power rate increase

The government has decided to postpone its plan to raise the basic electricity tariff by three percent per quarter ...

Ministry studying pattern of geothermal energy use

The Research and Technology Ministry is continuously studying the pattern of geothermal energy utilization in the ...

Govt to discuss study on fuel with House

The government will soon discuss with the House of Representatives (DPR) the results of its study on fuel oils, a ...

RI govt keeps open option for hiking fuel prices

Although it has plans to begin limiting subsidized fuel oil consumption next April, the government will continue to ...

RI govt preparing three scenarios for fuel price hike

The government is creating three scenarios to prepare for a hike to prices of subsidized fuel as part of efforts to ...

House to decide subsidized fuel consumption cut next week

The House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission VII on energy affairs will decide next week its attitude regarding the ...

District parliament rejects Bedugul geothermal exploitation

Bali Legislative Council (DPRD) rejects the exploitation of a geothermal project project after the governor and the ...

Govt predicts global crude price to reach $100/barrel

The government predicts that the global crude price will reach the level of US$100 a barrel next year, Deputy ...

Iraq invites Pertamina to cultivate oil blocks again

The Iraqi government expressed hope that Indonesia's state and gas firm Pertamina would return to Iraq to do oil ...

Govt to increase domestic use of LNG

The government will increase the use its liquefied natural gas (LNG) for domestic purposes which will continue to ...

South Korea interested in ri`s renewable energy

South Korea is interested in making investment in the renewable energy sector in Indonesia, a deputy minister said. ...

BP Migas approves PLN`s gas imports

After the government gave the green light to state power firm PT PLN for gas imports, this time it is the turn of the ...

Energy minister to leave Newmont case to law colleague

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Jero Wacik said he would leave the issue of divesting seven percent of PT ...

East Natuna contract`s signing may be delayed

The signing of a cooperation contract on the East Natuna Block will possibly be delayed from its initial date of ...

New intelligence chief asked to improve coordination

Chief Security Minister Djoko Suyanto has asked the newly-installed State Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Lt Gen ...