#minister of national development planning

Collection of minister of national development planning news, found 307 news.

Green economy key to break free from middle-income trap: Bappenas

Green economy is one of the game-changers for the nation to break free from the middle-income trap, National ...

Security matters in new capital city plans

President Joko Widodo shared his plan for relocating Indonesia’s capital to Eastern Kalimantan during the first ...

VP urges BPS to generate qualified statistical data

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, in a statement here on Monday, urged Statistics Indonesia (BPS) to generate qualified ...

Local governments should remap child stunting reduction program: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has called on local governments to remap all activity programs and budgets related to ...

President highlights need for constructive criticism at annual session

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) deems constructive criticism as important, and to this end, the government ...

One data Indonesia policy and e-government implementation require the support from technology providers like Huawei

All stakeholders believe that implementing e-government (SPBE) will be key to efficient, high-quality, transparent, ...

Govt to partially fund Batam-Bintan bridge construction: minister

The Indonesian government will only provide Rp3.4 trillion for the construction of 2,134 km of the 7,685-km bridge ...

Govt allocates Rp1.7 trillion for new capital development this year

A budget of Rp1.7 trillion has been allocated for this year for the development of the new capital of Indonesia in East ...

Gojek nixes 'manels', to invite women speakers for forums

Gojek has decided to involve women speakers at events in order to promote gender parity and in response to a call by ...

Indonesia to abandon fossil energy sources, switch to renewable energy

Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan affirmed Indonesia's intent to ...

Green economy must be main goal of economic transformation: Bappenas

Indonesia must make green economy the primary goal of its economic transformation, Minister of National Development ...

Infrastructure development in Baluran becomes national priority

Infrastructure development in several coastal tourism destinations in Baluran Situbondo National Park, East Java, are ...

Environment main factor in new capital city development: Bappenas

The environmental aspect has become the prime factor in the development of the new capital of Indonesia in East ...

Bappenas projects new presidential palace to be ready in 2024

National Development Planning Minister/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Head Suharso Monoarfa affirmed ...

Economy must grow 6-7% to escape middle-income trap: Monoarfa

The Indonesian economy must grow between 6-7 percent for the nation to escape the middle-income trap, Minister of ...