#monitoring system

Collection of monitoring system news, found 167 news.

Cyber attack not disrupting stock market: IDX

WannaCry malware attack has not disrupted the countrys share market, Tito Sulistio, President Director, Indonesia ...

Patrol ships seize five Vietnamese-flagged fishing vessels

A patrol ship of the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (KKP) has seized five Vietnamese-flagged boats for ...

FM Marsudi visits Malaysia to increase protection for Indonesian workers

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi is on a visit to Penang and Johor, Malaysia, on March 15-18, 2017, with the ...

Indonesia Trade Minister monitors prices of basic necessities

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita conducted an observational tour of several markets in Jakarta to check the prices ...

Indonesia`s Fisheries Ministry to share data with Google

Indonesias Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has cooperated with "Global Fishing Watch," sharing its data ...

Indonesian, Spanish companies cooperate on seaport management

Indonesias state-owned seaport operator Pelindo 1 and a Spanish seaport company inked a memorandum of understanding ...

Beef imports to bring down soaring prices arriving

The high demand for beef in the current fasting month of Ramadan has caused the price of the commodity to soar from ...

Beef price down 0.4 percent: Trade ministry

As the third week of the fasting month of Ramadan begins, the average price of beef in the country went down by just ...

W Kalimantan Governor launches fire alertness village program

West Kalimantan Governor Cornelis launched a Fire Alertness Village program in Sungai Kelik village, Nanga Tayap ...

Govt to ensure supply-demand balance to control food prices

Trade Minister Thomas Trikasih Lembong said here on Wednesday that his priority was to ensure a balance between supply ...

Indonesia govt cuts short containers`waiting time at ports

One of the factors hampering economic activities at Indonesian ports is the inordinately long time it takes for the ...

Green lane facility for investors to reduce dwelling time

The green lane facility to facilitate investors for importing machinery and tools as they enter the construction ...

President chairs limited cabinet meeting on satellite technology

President Joko Widodo on Friday morning chaired a limited cabinet meeting on the use of mobile satellites for national ...

Over 90 Ships Sunk By Indonesia Until Mid-October 2015

Indonesia has incurred material losses and environmental damage due to illegal fishing activities mostly conducted by ...

Fisheries minister wants to sink 16 illegal fishing ships

Indonesias Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Susi Pudjiastuti, said she wished that the 16 ships caught ...