
Collection of monthly news, found 816 news.

Ambon`s slogan believed to revive spirit of city`s musicians

The slogan of Ambon, as the city of music in Maluku Province, is believed to revive the spirit of its musicians, ...

S&P gives positive signal on Indonesian rating

The international rating agency S&P Global Ratings has signaled an increase in Indonesian debt rating to ...

Declining fuel prices and grand harvest ease inflation in April

Declining fuel oil prices and a grand harvest led to a deflation of 0.45 percent in April, bringing Indonesias yearly ...

RI`s balance of trade records surplus of $497 million

Indonesias balance of trade recorded a surplus of US$497 million in March 2016 with exports reaching $11.79 billion ...

Access to credit card transactions needed to check taxpayers` profiles

Regulations are required to access taxpayers credit card transactions data, particularly of individual tax payers (WP ...

Govt to track taxpayers through registered cards

A legislator has proposed that the taxpayers numbers (NPWP) should be included in their identity cards (KTP) to make ...

Govt preparing Rp30 trillion for strategic crops

Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman said the government is preparing to offer microloan credit (KUR) worth Rp30 ...

Electricity sales grows 10.41 pct

State-own electricity company (PLN) recorded a power sale of 16.52 tera watt hours (TWh) in February 2016, up 10.41 ...

Unruly launches dashboard which tracks emotional trends of video advertising

- South-East Asian viewers are far more likely to love a brand or buy a product after watching a video ...

El Pais, Spain`s best-selling neewspaper, hints may end print edition

Spains best-selling newspaper, El Pais, may end its print edition and become primarily an online outlet, its ...

Johnson Controls helps Hong Kong landmark Sun Hung Kai Centre exceed energy savings goal

- Johnson Controls' comprehensive building solution has enabled 34-year-old Sun Hung Kai Centre, a 53-story mixed-use ...

China says "really needs" S China sea defences in face of United States

China "really needs" its defences in the South China Sea in the face of a militarisation process being pushed by the ...

Employers object to bill on savings for public housing

In efforts to resolve the issue of housing backlog, the government and the House are deliberating a public housing ...

Global superstar Shah Rukh Khan to beam live on #fame

-Fans The World Over Can Now Follow iamsrk on #fame - Asia's Leading Live Video Social Platform 1st Live Video ...

Genie Networks partners with BIGLOBE to offer A pioneering cloud-based managed service for traffic visibility and DDoS protection

- Genie Networks, a leader in traffic visibility and DDoS protection solutions, today announced that BIGLOBE, one ...