Some 22 terror suspects were flown from East Java to Jakarta on Thursday. The suspected terrorists arrived at the ...
During the course of a week, police officers in Klungkung District, Bali Province, arrested three released drug ...
Aceh Office destroyed 3.5 hectares of marijuana plantation on a mountain slope in Lamteuba area of Aceh Besar ...
The Institute for Indonesian Police Strategic Study (Lemkapi) advised parties against bringing the case of six Islam ...
The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) nabbed two couriers while they were allegedly trying to smuggle six kg of drugs ...
The South Kalimantan police officers continued their manhunt for drug lords who supplied nine kilograms of crystal ...
Indonesia, home to the world's third-largest tropical rainforests, has been successful in significantly reducing ...
The incidence of forest and land fires declined by around 82 percent in the past year, based on data ...
Soldiers from the 756/WMS Infantry Battalion's security task force prepared and distributed 100 boxes of packaged ...
The National Police investigators' probe is ongoing into a case of sale of weapons and ammunition to armed Papuan ...
Samsul Bahri (39), a former legislator from South Sumatra’s Pidie Jaya district, was nabbed by the National ...
West Kalimantan Office. "The destroyed evidence included the crystal meth package the Customs and Excise ...
The West Jakarta police officers have continued their manhunt for a drug kingpin owning 115 kilograms (kg) of marijuana ...
The West Kalimantan Provincial Police have named eight suspects in seven cases of forest and land fires in the province ...
The National Police's Counterterrorism Squad, Densus 88, apprehended another suspected terrorist in the East Java ...