
Collection of mosquito news, found 181 news.

Dengue threat to remain in 2013

Dengue fever will continue to loom large next year, so all Indonesians should be prepared to deal with an ...

Dengue claims lives in Sumenep, East Java

Dengue has hit the regency of Sumenep in East Java leaving three people dead in the past several days . So far ...

Malaria Remains A Threat In Indonesia

Indonesia is still among the countries hardest hit by malaria, with almost half of the nation`s 244 million population ...

Facing anti-malaria nets, mosquitoes alter habits

After two African villages started using mosquito nets to fight malaria, the local mosquitoes seemed to change their ...

Dengue fever endemic in Malang

Fifty-seven sub-districts in Malang city, East Java, are working to halt the spread of dengue fever, local health ...

RI committed to eradicate malaria globally

The Indonesian government has made a commitment to eradicate malaria not only bilaterally, but also globally, Foreign ...

Israel`s next-generation drones: smaller, smarter, deadlier

David Harari nostalgically recalls the day the Israel Air Force, stunned by the loss of fighter jets and aviators to ...

Papua to establish malaria center

Papua province`s health office will soon set up a Malaria Center as part of its efforts to halt the spread of the ...

Twenty villages in Nganjuk are dengue fever endemic

A total of 20 villages in Nganjuk district, East Java, is currently dengue fever endemic, local chief of disease ...

Malaria still endemic in Papua: health official

Malaria is still endemic in Papua where it is one of the five major diseases in all districts, head of the province`s ...

Malaria incidence in Jayapura in 2011 down

The incidence of malaria in Jayapura district, Papua, in 2011 has declined compared to the previous year, according ...

Dengue fever needs serious anticipation

Dengue fever, an acute infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes, is feared to ...

People across Indonesia warned against dengue fever

Struggling to win the battle against dengue fever, the government of Indonesia has warned the people in various ...

ASEAN unites in battle against dengue

The first ASEAN Dengue Day was observed on June 15 at Jakarta`s National Museum on June 15, where a call was made to ...

Study uncovers genes that aid malarial resistence

U.S. researchers have identified 11 genes that malaria parasites use to defend themselves against standard treatments, ...