Rescue teams and residents combed through storm-wracked towns to assess damage on Saturday from a chain of tornadoes ...
The National Child Protection Commission (KPAI) has estimated that 50 per cent of Indonesian children have no birth ...
Once torn by a three-year period of sectarian violence from early 1999 to 2001 that tarnished its image and the ...
The Constitutional Court (MK) has invalidated a long-standing legal rule stipulating that a child born outside an ...
- The 54th annual Grammy Awards ceremony began with a tribute to pop superstar Whitney Houston, who was found dead ...
Whitney Houston, whose soaring voice lifted her to the top of the pop music world but whose personal decline was ...
Two Indonesian writers Hani Yamashita and Junanto Herdiawan launched a book on "Japan After Shock", brave stories ...
Minister of Health Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih said the maternal mortality rate was difficult to reduce to meet ...
For the first time, the Philippines celebrate the Chinese New Year as a non-working holiday throughout the country. ...
A group of criminals stole a newborn baby boy after its mother was kidnapped and forced to give birth in an abundant ...
The National AIDS Commission (NAC) reported that 18 toddlers in Jayapura regency, Papua are HIV/AIDS positive during ...
Police have denied allegations that two teenagers - Faisal Akbar (14) and Budri M Zain (18.
"The Devil Inside" overperformed this weekend as the top movie of the North America which finished ahead of a pack of ...
A total of 2,180 people infected with HIV / AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in ...
The trend of suicides has slightly shifted to younger ages based on recent cases of many youths, a Psychiatrist said. ...